Research Focus

In September 2016, Dr. Bellini joined the Department of Bioengineering faculty at Northeastern University as an Assistant Professor. Her research is focused on elucidating how pathophysiological processes of cell-mediated growth and remodeling affect the mechanical function of tissues and organs within the cardiovascular system.

Latest Posts

Bellini lab at SB3C 2022

Come find us at SB3C 2022! Multiple members of the Bellini lab will be presenting at the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering & Biotransport Conference (SB3C). #SB3C2022: June 20 – 23, 2022 in Maryland.  Yasmeen Farra was selected as a PhD student paper competition...

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Research to Help Unlock the Mystery of How Cancer Spreads

Bioengineering Professor Mark Niedre and Assistant Professor Chiara Bellini received a 5-year, $2.7M grant titled “Continuous, Non-Invasive Optical Monitoring of Circulating Tumor Cell-Mediated Metastasis in Awake Mice” from the National Cancer Institute and National...

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Sign Language Robot You Can Feel

Bioengineering alumna Samantha Johnson, E’21, ME’21, created the tactile sign language robot, TATUM, for people who are deaf and blind to communicate with Professor Chiara Bellini as her advisor. Learn more here.

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Using Robots to Help Blind and Deaf People Communicate

Samantha Johnson, E’21, ME’21, bioengineering, built a robotic hand that can be used to produce tactile sign language so that people who are blind and deaf can be more independent. Johnson is still in the early stages of developing the robot, working on it as her...

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Farra et al. selected as APSselect award winning article

A recent publication from the Bellini lab, “Structural and functional remodeling of the female Apoe−/− mouse aorta due to chronic cigarette smoke exposure” by Farra et al. was selected as the @ajpheartcirc June 2021 #APSselect winner....

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Spring 2021 PEAK Experience Recipient: Samantha Johnson

Congratulations to the COE student recipients of the Spring 2021 PEAK Experiences Awards. The PEAK Experiences Awards are a progressively structured sequence of opportunities designed to support learners as they continue climbing to new heights of achievement in...

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Studying the Long-Term Health Hazards of E-Cigarettes

BioE Assistant Professors Jessica Oakes and Chiara Bellini are studying the health effects of vaping versus traditional combustible cigarettes. While the FDA is primarily concerned with the effects of an addictive chemical such as nicotine on developing teenage...

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FY18 TIER 1 Award Recipients

21 COE faculty and affiliates were recipients of FY18 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 12 different projects representing $600K dollars of investment in research. Dr. Bellini was awarded the following:  Quantification of Pulmonary and Cardiovascular...

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New Faculty Spotlight: Chiara Bellini

Chiara Bellini joins the Bioengineering department in Fall 2016 as an Assistant Professor. She earned her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from The University of Calgary. Her research interests include diseases of the cardiovascular system; effects of cell-mediated...

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